CCC Board of Governors Meeting | Calbright College Board of Trustees | September 2019
CCC Board of Governors Meeting
• Board of Governors Campus Tour of Riverside City College
Standing Orders of Business
Consent Calendar (video)
Item 1.1: July 20-21, 2019, Board Meeting Minutes (Dr. Daisy Gonzales) This item presents the July 15-16, 2019 Board meeting minutes for review and approval by the Board of Governors.
Item 1.2: Request for Waiver of Statutes Related to Lease of Property (Christian Osmeña) This item requests approval of a request made by the San Bernardino Community College District Board of Trustees to waive public bid auction requirements specified in existing statutes as part of the district’s plan to lease portions of the district properties located in the City of San Bernardino.
Item 2.1: Approval of Contracts and Grants (Dr. Daisy Gonzales) This item recommends that the Board of Governors approve entering into the contracts and grants described in the September 2019 agenda.(video)
Item 2.2: Credit for Prior Learning Regulation Changes (Marty Alvarado) The Chancellor’s Office in partnership with the Credit for Prior Learning Advisory Committee and the California Community Colleges Curriculum Committee is recommending revisions to title 5 Section 55050. (video)
Item 2.3: Proposed Change to Extended Opportunities Programs and Services Regulations (Marty Alvarado) This item is a second reading and public hearing of a proposed amendment to title 5 regulations related to Extended Opportunity Programs and Services eligibility requirements. (video)
Item 2.4: Regulations Concerning Funding for Districts Experiencing Emergencies (Christian Osmeña) This item is a second reading of proposed amendments to existing regulations related to funding for districts experiencing emergencies. (video)
Item 2.5: Academic Senate 50 Year Anniversary (Marty Alvarado) This item recommends the adoption of a resolution recognizing the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges for 50 years of service for the Board of Governors’ approval. (video)
Item 2.6: Board Resolution Declaring October 14-18, 2019 as Undocumented Student Action Week (Laura Metune) This item presents for consideration a resolution to declare October 14-18, 2019, as Undocumented Student Action Week and every third week of October thereafter. (video)
Item 2.7: Proposed Amendments to Board Procedures and Standing Orders Concerning Board Member Conduct (Marc LeForestier) Board President Epstein has requested a proposal to update the Board Procedures and Standing Orders governing Board member conduct. (video)
Item 2.8: Recommendations from the Vision for Success Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force This item provides the Board of Governors with an update and recommendations from the Vision for Success Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task force. (video)
Item 2.9: Budget and Legislative Request for 2020-21 (Christian Osmeña) Consider approval of the 2020-21 Budget and Legislative Request for the California Community Colleges. (video)
First Reading
Item 3.1: Nomination of 2020 Board Officers (Dr. Daisy Gonzales) This item calls for the nomination of the Board of Governors officers for the 2020 calendar year. (video)
Information and Reports
Item 4.1: Vision for Success Spotlight: Riverside City College (Dr. Daisy Gonzales) This item highlights Riverside City College and the regional implementation of guided pathways at Riverside Community College District. (video)
Item 4.2: Fiscal Condition of the Peralta Community College District (Christian Osmeña) This item follows on items at previous meetings regarding the Board of Governors’ responsibilities related to the fiscal condition of community college districts. (video)
Item 4.4: State and Federal Update (Laura Metune) This item provides the Board of Governors with an update on state and federal policy and advocacy activities, and an overview of bills recommended for Chancellor’s Office policy positions. (video)
Item 4.5: Participatory Governance and Statewide Engagement (Dr. Daisy Gonzales) This item responds to a request by the Board of Governors to report on all statewide participatory governance structures by the Chancellor’s Office, including statewide advisory committees, workgroups, and task forces. Moved to November Meeting
Item 4.6: Board Member Reports (Eloy Ortiz Oakley) Board of Governors members will report on their activities since the July 2019 meeting. (video)
Public Forum
Monday September 16, 2019 (video)
Tuesday September 17, 2019 (video)
New Business
Calbright College Board of Trustees
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
11:00am - 4:00pm
Public Meeting Location:
Riverside City College
Concert Hall, Coil School for the Arts
3890 University Ave., Riverside, CA 92501
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Discussion of the Order of the Agenda
BOT President's Report (video)
CEO's Report (video)
1. Order of Business
1.1 Procedure