CCC Board of Governors Meeting | July 2023
July 24, 2023
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with Closed Session from 9:15 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.*
*All times are approximate and subject to change. The order of items is subject to change.
1. Standing Orders of Business
1.1 Call to Order
1.2 Roll Call
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
1.4 President's Report (video)
1.5 Chancellor's Report (video)
2. Closed Session
2.1 Closed Session with the General Counsel
3. Consent Calendar (video)
3.1 May 22, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes
4. Action Calendar
4.1 Approval of Contracts and Grants (video)
4.2 Proposed Regulatory Action: Supervised Tutoring (video)
4.3 Disciplines List Revisions Update - Ethnic Studies (video)
4.4 Board of Governors Resolution on Instructional Material Affordability (video)
5. First Reading
5.1 Proposed Regulatory Action: Scheduled Maintenance Resources for Affordable Student Housing (video)
5.2 Proposed Regulatory Action: Associate Degree Requirements (video)
5.3 Proposed Regulatory Action: Dual Enrollment (video)
6. Information and Reports
6.1 Annual Student Senate Update (video)
6.2 2023-24 Enacted State Budget Update (video)
6.3 Vision 2030: A Roadmap for California Community Colleges (video)
6.4 Vision 2030: Adult Learners pt.1 (video) pt. 2 (video)
6.5 Baccalaureate Degree Program Update (video)
6.6 Contracts and Grants Approved by the Board President (video)
6.7 Board Member Reports (video)
7. Public Forum
7.1Public Forum (video)
8. Closing Items
8.1 Adjournment
For more information including attachments, please visit: Agenda - California Community College Chancellor's Office BoardDocs® Plus