LBCC - Gallery Showing February 17 -March 18

Subject: Dramatic Arts
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LBCC Gallery showing features works by Christina Fernandez and Louise Ivers, February 17-March 18.Christina FernandezSelections from the Sereno seriesThe Sereno series depicts my eastside (Los Angeles) neighborhood and plays on contrastsof natural spaces in urban areas and the title itself, which means serene in Spanish but isalso the local gang name. I have practiced a type of landscape photography and selfportraiture in various forms throughout my career. The Sereno series embodies this impulsein my work and realizes the idea of landscape as self-portrait in that it is my vision of anenvironment I have become intimately acquainted with and in which I live. The imageColdwell Couch created for the How many Billboards: Art In Stead project represents anew direction for the series and puts forward the idea of landscape as real estate, landscapeas the receptor of yearning and loathing in the pursuit of home and comfort for mygeneration. The couch in this image is a monument to consumerism and our throw awaysociety, a kind of tattered body/politic.Louise IversEndangered Species: Long Beach ArchitectureLong Beach, a city that was once a repository of great architecture, still has some survivors ofits golden age. There are a number of uninhabited buildings and others slated fordemolition that have landmark designs. Many of these are represented in my exhibit. I hopeto awaken viewers sensibilities to the unforgettable character of these structures. Quite a fewof these buildings are embroiled in political controversies. I want to encourage thepreservation of notable architecture in Long Beach and decry the wholesale obliteration of thebuilt environment in the city.My photographs are processed the old fashioned way. They are black and white gelatinsilver prints that I make in my darkroom from film on fiber-based paper. This is becoming alost art form, much as the subjects portrayed are an endangered species.For further information please contact HK Zamani. LBCC Art Gallery 4901 E. Carson St . Long Beach, CA 90808