Discover How Implementing a Professional Development LMS Will Help Your College | |
Author(s): (OTC), Online Teaching Conference College: 3C Media Solutions |
By Rico Bianchi, Director, Telecommunications-Grants, Palomar College/CCC TechConnect and Co-presenters: Kelly Falcone & Andrea Chatwood -- "This presentation will focus on how colleges can use the Professional Learning Network (PLN) to add a Professional Development LMS that can be used by faculty and staff to improve the skills they need to insure student success. Learn all about the Pilot project currently in progress. The presentation will demo a product called Cornerstone and show the features and benefits that allow for easy tracking of professional development coursework and mandated trainings as well as providing a powerful connection tool to faculty, staff and administrators at the college level and systemwide. The presentation will also demonstrate how to track the hundreds of IT resources and training courses available from colleges and from Skillsoft, and other providers such as Keenan Safe Schools."