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Authors at Santa Rosa Junior College
- Santa Rosa Junior College, DE Coordinators
Allen, R
Allen, Rebecca
Ataiiyan, Younes
Baleria, Gina
Bowden, Russ
Burch, Donna
Caldwell, Donna
Diamond, Jeffrey
Diaz, Salvador
Dill, Kathleen
du, Plessis, Elizabeth
Enz, Pamela
Fichera, Steven
Foster, Ann
Goodenough, Jim
Griffith, Chad
Hall, Randy
Harden, David
Harrison, Jill
Kevin Sea
Kirkpatrick, Sean
McCracken, William
McNally, Barbara
Media Services, SJRC
Media Services, SRJC
Morris, Mari
Morrison, Amanda
Nazario, Xavier
Palladini, Jennifer
Papa, MJ
Pasquini, Jodi
Peretz, Jay
Sacash, Brittany
Sea, Kevin
Skagerberg, Eric
Stanley, Karen
Starkey, Mike
Stover, John
Tercero, Angelica
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Media 4: Lecture 2
Santa Rosa Junior College
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Media 4: Lecture 2
Baleria, Gina