Board of Governors Meeting | January 2013

President's Report (video)
Chancellor's Report (video)

Consent Calendar (video)
Item 1.1 Approval of the Minutes
Item 1.2 Approval of Contracts and Grants

Action Calendar
Item 2.1 Trustee Election Waiver at a Community College District (video)

Information and Reports Calendar
Item 3.1 State and Federal Update (State Report) (video)
Item 3.2 Update on the Implementation of Senate Bill 1440: Student Transfer (Attachment) (video)
Item 3.3 Progress Update on the Implementation of Student Success Task Force Recommendations (video)
Item 3.4 Community College Contributions to Jobs and the Economy (video)
Item 3.5 Update on the Activities of the Foundation for California Community Colleges
(Attachments one, two, three) (video)
Item 3.6 Legislative Analyst's Office Report on Adult Education (Report) (video)

Information and Reports
Item 4.1 Update on City College of San Francisco (Letter) (video)
Item 4.2 Presentation on California's Economic Outlook by the Legislative Analyst (video)
Item 4.3 Report on Veterans Summit II (video)
Item 4.4 Board Member Reports (video)

Public Forum (video)

(back to archive list)

CCC Board of Governors Meeting | September 2024

September 23, 2024
10:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.*
*All times are approximate and subject to change. The order of items is subject to change.

San Bernardino Valley College and via Zoom

1. Standing Orders of Business
1.1 Call to Order
1.2 Roll Call
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
1.4 President's Report   (video)
1.5 Chancellor's Report  (video)

2. Closed Session
2.1 Closed Session with the General Counsel

3. Consent Calendar  (video)
3.1 July 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

4. Action Calendar
4.1 Approval of Contracts and Grants  (video)
4.2 Resolution Declaring Support for K-14 Education Facilities Bond (Proposition 2)  (video)
4.3 Resolution Declaring Support for Climate Resiliency Bond (Proposition 4)  (video)
4.4 Budget and Legislative Request for 2025-26  (video)

5. First Reading
5.1 Adoption of the 2024 Budget and Accounting Manual (BAM)   (video)
5.2 Proposed Regulatory Action: Flex Calendar   (video)
5.3 Proposed Regulatory Action: Burden Free Access to Instructional Materials   (video)
5.4 Proposed Regulatory Action: Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Program   (video)
5.5 Board of Governors Meeting Dates for 2026   (video)
5.6 Nomination of 2025 Board Officers   (video)

6. Information and Reports
6.1 Vision 2030: Inland Empire Health Plan Equitable Support Demonstration Project Update   (video)
6.2 Baccalaureate Degree Program Update   (video)
6.3 99 Years of Community, Growth & Transformation at San Bernardino Valley College   (video)
6.4 Board Member Reports   (video)

7. Public Forum
7.1 Public Forum   (video)

8. Closing Items
8.1 Adjournment

For more information and attachements, please visit: