CCC Board of Governors Meeting | January 2022

Monday, 01-24-2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with Closed Session from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.*
*All times are approximate and subject to change. Order of items is subject to change.

1. Standing Orders of Business
1.1 Call to Order
1.2 Roll Call
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
1.4 President's Report  (video)
1.5 Chancellor's Report  (video)

2. Closed Session
2.1 Closed Session with the General Counsel

3. Consent Calendar  (video)
3.1 November 15, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

4. Action Calendar
4.1 Approval of Contracts and Grants  (video)
4.2 Excused Withdrawal and Pass-No Pass Grading Option Regulations  (video)
4.3 Distance Education Accrediting Commission Request for Approval  (video)
4.4 Equitable Placement: Approval of English as a Second Language Assessments  (video)
4.5 Foundation for California Community Colleges Board Appointments  (video)
4.6 2022 Board of Governors Retreat  (video)

5. First Reading
5.1 Campus Climate and Public Safety Regulations  (video)
5.2 Equitable Transfer Memorandum of Understanding Standing Orders  (video)

6. Information and Reports
6.1 Foundation for California Community Colleges Annual Report  (video)
6.2 2021-22 Exemplary Program Award (video)
6.3 Vision for Success Spotlight: California Community Colleges Workforce Programs Leading California's Recovery with Equity (video)
6.4 Advancing Equity and Success: Student Centered Funding Formula Implementation and Peer Learning Community Update  (video)
6.5 State and Federal Budget and Policy Update  (video)
6.6 Board Member Reports  (video)

7. Public Forum
7.1 Public Forum  (video)

8. Closing Items
8.1 Adjournment

More information including attachments can be found at BoardDocs Agenda.